Feb 2025 Reads - Ryle on Prayer, Biblical Counseling Primer, and How to Stop Sinning

Here are my February reads. Lighter month. Click the link to jump to the section: Do You Pray? by J.C. Ryle The Pastor and Counseling by Jeremy Pierre and Deepak Reju The Expulsive Power of a New Affection by Thomas Chalmers Do You Pray? by J.C. Ryle This brief book probes into your heart and mind regarding the subject of prayer, and each chapter ends with the penetrating question "Do you pray? Ryle's pastoral heart shines through as he seeks to instill within the reader a burning desire to spend regular time in prayer. This book is short enough to read in one sitting, but has enough to chew on that it would be worth slowing down and mediating on the sections. The question "do you pray?" is about the habits of personal and private prayer. I'm sure there are many who pray with others, who bow their heads before meals, or even lead prayer at worship gatherings. The question that Ryle wants to know is if you pray when no one else is there to see or hear yo...