What N.T. Wright Gets Wrong About the Coronavirus
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N.T. Wright, New Testament scholar and theologian |
Christianity Offers No Answers About the Coronavirus
That’s the headline of an article on the
Times Magazine Ideas section of their website. Its author? N.T. Wright.
More like N.T. Wrong.
First, who is this guy? N.T. Wright has been an interesting
figure on the scene of Christianity for quite some time. He once was lauded as
a go-to resource for information on the historical background surrounding the New
Testament. However, he has since written some things that lead to questions over
his understanding of key Christian doctrines, and when challenged about those
issues his answers are less
than clear. At best, he’s a convoluted writer/speaker who repudiates
At worst he is not an orthodox Christian because he has abandoned central Christian
doctrines. Where he fits in that spectrum has been and remains a topic of debate
within Christianity.
I don’t intend to weigh in on my thoughts on Wright’s theology
(though I certainly have them). Today I simply want to address his Times
Where Wright is Right
Before I get into my criticisms, I do want to say that there
are some things that I think he gets right in the article. He is correct that
now is a time for lamentation. We should be going to the Lord and expressing ourselves
before Him (provided we are coming before Him with appropriate humility and recognition
of who He is). Lamentation is a lost practice in our modern churches and that
is a tragedy. The Bible is full of laments, not just in the Psalms, and we would
do well to read those and go to the Lord with our laments.
I think Wright is also correct when he repudiates the idea
that we ought to be looking for some sort of prophetic significance in today's
events. I’m not a fan of the practice of reading the news are trying to make
that fit into Biblical prophecy. We don’t have to look long into history to see
how those (mostly dispensationalists) who have attempted such practices have
been wrong time and time again. Will someone eventually be right? Perhaps. Even
a broken clock is right twice a day. That doesn’t justify the practice and in
the meantime, it gives Christianity and dispensational thought a bad name (we’re
not all like that, okay?).
On those points, I agree with Dr. Wright.
What Wright Gets Wrong
Despite those areas of agreement, I find that Wright has
forgotten, ignored, or misunderstands three keys things.
First, he seems to forget that the Bible speaks directly to
the issue of why there are diseases and death in the world. In his headline, not
only does he say that Christianity doesn’t offer answers, he says it’s not
supposed to. Furthermore, in His conclusion, he states, “It is no part of the
Christian vocation, then, to be able to explain what’s happening and why.” But
that is simply not true. Of course, in the micro sense, zooming down to induvial
issues, we are not going to be able to say “this person got sick for this
particular reason.” However, in the macro sense, we certainly do have the
answers to the broad “why” question.
In a previous
article about how we should respond to the coronavirus, I wrote how it is
impossible to know whether this virus was a specific judgment of God for
specific sins. It might be. Then again, it might not. However, I also wrote
that we could know the reason why death and suffering exist at all: it
is because of the curse of sin. Sin entered the world through one man, and
death through sin, and death spread to all mankind, for all have sinned (Rom
So, when it comes to the broad level “why” question, the Scriptures,
and Christianity, do, in fact, offer answers. Not only that, but these
answers also point toward the true solution: we need Jesus Christ, not just to save
us from the coronavirus, which is a symptom and consequence of living in a
sin-cursed world, but to save us from our own sin. Only in Jesus Christ
can we look forward to a day when we can enjoy the perfections of Christ in the
New Earth, free from curses of our present age.
Second, Wright downplays the sovereignty of God. He writes, “Some
Christians like to think of God as above [lamenting], knowing everything, in
charge of everything, calm and unaffected by the troubles in his world. That’s
not the picture we get in the Bible.” If by this statement Wright simply
intends to communicate that God is not a cold, aloof, and dispassionate being regarding
the things in this world, then I would say I agree. However, Wright seems to be
mocking the idea of God “knowing everything, in charge of everything”. The fact
of the matter is that God is all-knowing and in charge of everything! For
Wright to make a mockery of the clearly revealed nature of God seems
blasphemous to me. Rather than painting a caricature of how Scripture clearly
reveals God to be, Wright should be all the more amazed that God, all-knowing and
in charge as He is, still is grieved as Wright notes. The emotions of God, rather
than being negated by his omniscience and omnipotence, are instead revealed as
more glorious.
Furthermore, though it can be hard for us to understand, in
God’s sovereignty He has made it known that He is working all things together
for His
glory and the good
of His children. Christianity, once again, offers the answer to the “why”. The question then becomes, will you trust? Given the reason why we may want to ask
the follow-up question “How does it do that?” and though that answer can be
difficult, that is essentially a question of trust. Though I may not know how
these things specifically lead to our good and God’s glory (though I have some
thoughts on that too), I can choose to trust in the wisdom of God that far
exceeds my own.
Finally, Wright misses the point of lament. Wright seems to
paint lament as simply a way to commune with God and experience His presence.
But lament is so much more than that. Lament assumes that 1) there is something
wrong with the world (which we know is a result of sin) and 2) that God can do
something about it (He is sovereign). Even as Wright directs us to lament, he fails
to see how the process of lamenting leads us to a place of trust in the answers
that God provides to our “why” questions, answers that Wright says don’t exist.
He, therefore, misses the point of lament.
If Wright misses the point, what then is the point? Lament
is a biblical way for God’s people to turn to Him in their time of trouble and
distress, express their complaint to Him, ask for His intervention and assistance,
but then trust in Him. Trust that He knows what He is doing and that He
will act according to His promises. We may not understand the hows, but the
whys are clear. So we trust. Lament, done biblically, brings us to a
place of trust in the all-knowing and sovereign God.
N.T. Wright is simply flat-out wrong. Christianity does
offer answers. Perhaps he doesn’t like those answers. Perhaps he doesn’t find
them comforting. Perhaps Wright’s god is simply too small. But regardless of Wright’s
approach, the Biblical approach leads us not only to a place of lament, but
also trust and hope in the promises of God. When the world is desperate for
answers, rather than shrugging our shoulders and saying “we got nothing, but we’re
not supposed to so it’s cool” we should instead be pointing people to the only
source of hope, and yes, answers.
Be blessed; be a blessing
Kenn Chipchase
Thank you! I was amazed at how blasé the article was. Of course, anything published in Time Magazine could hardly be anything more, in which case Wright shouldn't have bothered if he was going to handicap his own writing.
ReplyDeleteI found the whole article very odd considering how respected and profound I understood him to be from my friends.
Excellent response. I'm wondering if we learn from history that theologians who have a broad secular mass appeal invariably miss the mark.